What is a Markup language?

What exactly is a markup language? What is an example of a markup language? How is it different than C++ or java for that matter? Well continue reading to find out!


 According to Wikipedia 

"In computer text processing, a markup language is a system for annotating a document in a way that is syntactically distinguishable from the text"

but what does this exactly mean?

In simple words, a markup language is just a "computer" language that understands basic keywords as a set of commands. If you have worked with languages like HTML or XML, you might understand this with the help of the below example

In this example, the tags such as <html>, <head>, <title>, <h1>, <p> and <body> are all predefined elements that can be used by the user to create a projects without the need to define specific variables (unlike other languages). 

The same can be applied to XML, according to the code below. Although things like <computer> and <manufacturer> have been defined by the user, there is no need to define them while writing the code. This is also the reason that XML is known as the "Extensible Markup Language" since custom tags can be set and can be reused.

Additional Information: 

Since most markup languages (HTML, CSS, XML) can be saved in Plain Text format, they can be viewed in simple word processing softwares like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (MacOS). This property allows them to be viewed in web browsers (usually under the inspect button).

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